Jess Feldt Coaching

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The Best Time I Was Ever Wrong

When I decided to switch careers to become a coach, I did it to help others and to create a more flexible lifestyle for my family. I never actually considered getting a coach for myself. Kind of ironic, right?

But honestly, I didn't think I needed a coach. One, I don't like asking for help. I have this irrational belief that asking for help means I can't do it myself, which means I'm "less than." Even as I write it I know how ridiculous that sounds, and yet I'm sure some of you are reading this and nodding your head in shared understanding. Two, what in the world would I get coaching for? I'm a generally pretty content person and believe that if something's meant to be, it'll be.

I've never uttered this statement before in my life, but here it goes:

Thank god, I was wrong.

The beauty of going through a coaching program is the absurd amount of coaching you're required to receive. I received more coaching than I ever could have imagined and I am beyond thankful for it, because it is the reason I am where I am now.

You know that admission above about my irrational fear of asking for help? Yeah, that realization came from coaching. I can now objectively look at that limiting belief I had and know that asking for help actually makes me stronger, not weaker.

Coaching helped me realize that this grand moment of being "ready" to jump the corporate ship to start my own business was never going to come and that sometimes you just need to make the leap (with a life jacket, of course.)

Above all, coaching allows me to feel fully empowered by what I actually want for life and to take the steps to make it happen, even when, and maybe mostly when, those steps feel really scary.

Now, some coaches will argue that everyone needs a coach all the time. I disagree. That's like saying everyone needs a personal trainer all the time. No. If you know what to do at the gym, have no problem with accountability, and have no major fitness goals then a personal trainer is a waste of resources.

I believe the same is true about coaching. If you already know what you want, feel fully empowered to get there, and have no problem holding yourself accountable, then a coach is probably not going to be a big help for you. BUT, if any of these three conditions aren't met, then do yourself a favor and look into getting yourself a coach. Let's normalize personal and professional coaching in the same way we wouldn't bat an eye at getting a personal trainer at the gym.

I am so glad I was wrong. My life has been forever changed because of the empowerment I now feel as a result of coaching, and every day I work with a client and am able to see their shifts and transformations, I'm in awe.

My clients have…

  • put themselves out there for promotions and career leaps

  • embraced and appreciated where they are today, instead of tied to the fear of “settling”

  • taken action on decisions they’ve been dragging their feet on

  • shut down self-limiting thoughts that say they’re “not enough” or “not ready”

And I’m pretty damn proud of that.

If this makes you curious about what you can gain through coaching, I'd love to chat with you. You deserve it.