Kinda Like Burpees, but for Your Career

Whenever I meet someone new and I say I'm a professional coach, I tend to get the slow nod, smile, and "okay, awesome…" It's the "I kinda get it, but I really don't know what you do" look. And, I understand why. The term "coach" is super vague. Am I a sports coach? Is it a type of recruiting? Therapy?

Yes? No? All of the above?

So for anyone who is curious what this whole "professional coach" thing is all about, here's how I break it down. It's sort of like a personal trainer for your career. When do people seek out a personal trainer? When they want to be healthier or happier with their body. They sort of know what they need to do (work out, eat healthy), but they need someone to help hold them accountable, understand when it's arm day or time for cardio, and keep the focus on their goals. 

Professional coaching is the same! Just instead of your health or body, it's your career. People come to me when they're not totally happy with where they are in their career. They sort of know why and might have an idea of where they want to go, but are looking for someone to keep the focus on their goals, hold accountability, and discover strengths they never knew they had.

How do I do that?

By listening and asking really powerful questions. The tough questions that you are too afraid to ask yourself or haven't even thought of yet.

By helping you see things from a different perspective. Getting you "unstuck" and out of your head. Seriously, we all think WAY too much.

And by helping you discover your passions, your values and, most importantly, facing your fears. It's amazing how often we forget about what we really care about when it comes to looking for a career that makes us happy.

Also, just like a tough bootcamp session, it's not easy. I'm going to push you out of your comfort zones. I'm going to challenge you. Make you sweat. Make you reach deep down inside and find strength. It's a workout!

There's another similarity between personal training and professional coaching - YOU, the client, have to put in the time and energy. Those who see results are the ones who do the work in between the sessions. And that is the most important part, because, in the end, everyone wants to see results. In personal training, it might be the ability to climb stairs without getting winded or six-pack abs. In coaching, it might be quitting the job you hate and looking for one you love, learning what it is you have a passion for, or going after that promotion you've always wanted.

I want to help you make progress toward the career and the life that is going to give you fulfillment. But don't worry, I won't make you do burpees.


When I grow up...


Don’t Be a Bearded Dragon