5 Ways to Give Yourself Permission This Holiday Season

I don’t know about you, but the holidays are always a crazy time of year for me. Don’t get me wrong - I LOVE the holidays, (just ask my husband who is forced to listen to Christmas music the second Thanksgiving is over), but there is always so much going on, so much commotion, and so many expectations. It’s enough to make me lose sight of what the holiday season is really about and, sadly, even make me thankful when it is over.

Why do I let this happen? Well, I get swept away with how I think everything should be. The decorations should look perfect. The tree should be six feet tall (and REAL!). The presents should be wrapped expertly. I should be happy and cheery all the time.


Who is the almighty dictator of Christmas that makes me feel this way? Nobody, but myself. So this year, I am taking a different approach and giving myself the gift of permission.

Permission to do what, you ask? Permission to be unapologetically me with no “shoulds” in sight. All the ups. All the downs. All the feels.

I challenge you to do the same.

But, you think, I can’t do that! What will people think? They’ll see I’m a hot mess. That I’m vulnerable. That I’m not perfect. EXACTLY! You are a human and imperfect and wonderful. It’s exhausting always trying to prove otherwise!

So, here are five ways to take a deep breath, cut yourself some slack, and give yourself the gift of permission this holiday season:

  1. Permission to feel - The holidays can be super happy. They can also be super stressful or super sad. Don’t fight the feels, because you think you’re supposed to be a certain way. Just be with whatever is.

  2. Permission to fail - Nobody’s perfect. Any expectation otherwise is just setting up for disaster. Fail spectacularly. At least you’ll know you tried.

  3. Permission to celebrate - I don’t mean that extra glass of eggnog. Give yourself permission to celebrate YOU. You did it. You made it to the end of another year. Well done.

  4. Permission to let go - It’s exhausting trying to be in control all the time. Let someone else take the reigns, make dinner, do the wrapping, or host the party. Just enjoy.

  5. Permission to be in the now - That’s it. Just be present.

The next couple weeks will go by faster than you think and then, poof, it’s over and you’re stuck with 3 (or 6 if you live in the midwest) more months of cold, dark winter. Enjoy the magic. Enjoy being unapologetically you. You have my permission.


Make a Choice in 2019


When I grow up...