Make a Choice in 2019

You don’t have a choice. You have to make choices. All day. Everyday. From which clothes you decide to wear to the food you eat for lunch. Coffee or tea? Paper or plastic? To be or not to be? Well, that last one I stole from Shakespeare, but it may be the most important choice of all - How do you choose to be?

What do I mean by this? Beyond all the typical, obvious choices we make each day, we also choose our mindsets and our perspectives. The phrase “___Fill in the Blank___ makes me so mad” is a fallacy. Nothing or no one can force you to behave or feel a specific way. We choose to give it the power to do so OR we choose to be whatever we really want to be.

But, damn, that is really hard to do. And it takes practice, but, wow, is it empowering. No one else can take control of you. You are powerful and at choice. Always.

How can you begin to make more powerful choices about how to be? Flip your current perspective on its head. Find the benefit in something frustrating or difficult. Find the beautiful in something sad. Having trouble with that? Find a totally random object. Something you see around you - maybe it’s a Starbucks cup. Ask yourself what the Starbucks cup perspective might be. Something caffeinated, energetic, or hot! It might feel ridiculous, but it will get you unstuck. Just know you make the choice.

Here’s a quick exercise… Ask yourself the questions in italics. I’ve answered with something that truly catches me at my worst and takes away my power to choose - my commute! I want that power back in 2019!

What is something that makes you so __________? (mad, nervous, sad, etc.)

For me, my commute to work and back home makes me so frustrated.

What is it about said thing that makes you so ____________?

Well, it feels like a waste of time. Nothing frustrates me like a waste of time. It takes time away from my family and being home, which is extremely valuable to me.

How can you flip it on its head and choose a more powerful perspective?

This is hard, but if I choose to look at how I can benefit from my commute instead of what I’m losing, then I choose to view my commute as an opportunity to decompress after work so I can be fully present with my husband and son when I’m home.

I choose to take my power back and not let my commute ruin my mood.

What are you going to choose in 2019?


I Created a Monster


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