Insights from a Life and Leadership Coach for Working Moms and Parents

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Jessica Feldt Jessica Feldt

When I grow up...

What do you want to be when you grow up?

It's probably one of the most common questions little kids get asked. At face value, it's a pretty harmless question, and because kids have amazing imaginations and no concept of fears or limits, the answers are typically very exciting - Fireman, astronaut, ballerina, doctor, professional baseball player, unicorn. Yes, unicorn.

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Jessica Feldt Jessica Feldt

Kinda Like Burpees, but for Your Career

Whenever I meet someone new and I say I'm a professional coach, I tend to get the slow nod, smile, and "okay, awesome…" It's the "I kinda get it, but I really don't know what you do" look. And, I understand why. The term "coach" is super vague.

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Jessica Feldt Jessica Feldt

Don’t Be a Bearded Dragon

Every day we make choices that create an environment for our potential. We put ourselves in a box, so to say, and we either make choices that expand our environment or restrict our environment. When we make choices that create a small environment, we restrict our growth and potential, just like a bearded dragon!

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Jessica Feldt Jessica Feldt

The “Should” Monster - Friend or Foe?

What is the "Should" Monster? It's the voice inside telling us how we should or should not be living our lives. "I should go for that promotion." "I should not leave the stability of this job." "I really should work out more and should not eat that second piece of cake." I don't know about you, but that last one is always tricky for me...

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Jessica Feldt Jessica Feldt

What is Your Why?

Have you ever taken the time to think about your “why”? Your Why is what connects you to a higher level of meaning in your life. It helps you find a connection to your work or career after a particularly crappy day. It drives you forward to that goal you really want, even after 2, 3, or 4 setbacks. It’s what lets you know that, in the end, it is all worth it.

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