Insights from a Life and Leadership Coach for Working Moms and Parents
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The Best Time I Was Ever Wrong
I've never uttered this statement before in my life, but here it goes:
Thank god, I was wrong.
It Doesn’t All Have to Suck
Last week I got the COVID-19 vaccine. This weekend we celebrated a family birthday with extended family members. We have dinner reservations for our 5-year anniversary booked for this upcoming weekend. Inside. I know - crazy. Slowly, but surely, our lives are returning to some sort of “new normal” after the isolation of the past year.
Move Over Mom Guilt — I’ve Got Co-Worker Guilt
If you’re a working mom, you’re probably no stranger to “mom guilt.” The guilty feeling of spending your time and energy at work instead of with your child. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of articles about mom guilt. This is not an article about mom guilt.
This is an article on “co-worker guilt.” The guilty feeling that you’re letting down your co-workers, managers, or organization when you have to attend to family responsibilities.
Part Two - Defeating the Goal Crushers
These Goal Crushers pop up exactly when you don’t want them to. Just when you’re ready to take a step forward, one of these Crushers pops out of nowhere, puts on the breaks, and whips out all the excuses.
Part One - How’s That Goal Working Out for You?
Knowing what we actually want is Step 1 of goal setting that usually gets glossed over and is a key reason why we don’t achieve the goals we’ve set for ourselves.
Returning From Leave? 5 Tips to Keep You Sane.
About to go through the process of returning to work post maternity leave? Learn from me and keep a bit of your sanity.